PES 1.3 BETA now available

Found a bug, need help or have a suggestion for PES then please post here!
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PES 1.3 BETA now available

Post by Neil »

Before publicly releasing PES 1.3 I thought I would offer you the opportunity to try it out, hence the BETA version if you wish.

The download links are as follows:

Raspberry Pi: ... rpi.img.gz (md5sum: f974d6ac340ae480bdb86cf873e15465)

Raspberry Pi 2: ... pi2.img.gz (md5sum: 4aa4e659cfbd0527c03ea0248a5ba782)

The main new features are as follows:
  • Added support for the following emulators:
    • MAME (037b5 ROM set)
    • Final Burn Alpha (029734 ROM set)
    • N64 (note: runs best on Raspberry Pi 2)
    • ZX Spectrum
  • Added support for Sony PlayStation 4 controllers via USB or Bluetooth (the latter requires manual pairing at the command line – to be added to the PES documentation)
  • Added support for assigning L3 and R3 buttons in PES
  • Added net play support for RetroArch (allows all emulators except N64 to be played over the Internet – details to be added to the PES documentation)
  • Added support for user supplied cover art
  • Added a “games catalogue” which matches known ROM names to their real names (e.g. for FBA and MAME ROM sets). The catalogue is automatically loaded into PES on its very first boot and greatly aids ROM scraping.
  • PES will now automatically partition your SD card. On the first boot it will use all available space to create a /data partition when your ROMs and cover art are saved. The root partition will be 1.6GB with ~200-300MB free for applying updates etc.
  • Improved thumbnail loading for games which makes browsing large collections much quicker
  • Joystick (control pad) button detection improved
  • Games can now be marked as a favourite by pressing the button you have assigned to “select” or by pressing the “S” key on your keyboard (if connected)
  • Page total bug fixed on games screens
  • Fixed bug in ROM scraper where games with missing cover art were unintentionally removed from the PES database in certain circumstances
  • ROM scraper is now more robust when errors occur retrieving game data from the Internet
  • OS packages updated to their latest versions
  • Unnecessary OS packages removed from PES images to increase free space on the root partition
  • Disabled PESPad

As before, please download the relevant image using the links above, unzip the image and write it to an SD card (4GB minimum recommended) as normal. As stated above, on the first boot PES will create a /data partition using all available free space after which PES will load and populate its games catalogue. The initial boot process will take a couple of minutes but subsequent PES boots will be much quicker of course.

User Supplied Cover Art

When browsing the network shares for PES 1.3 you will see a new “coverart” directory. Underneath this there will be a directory for each emulator. If you place cover art into these directories that either match the ROM file name or that match the ROM’s real name then PES will use this rather than downloading any cover art during the database update. This of course reduces the time taken to perform database updates (ROM scraping).

PES will also save into these directories any cover art it downloads which means you can back-up not only your ROM collection from your Raspberry Pi, but the cover art too. Note: all cover art in these directories are scaled for performance reasons regardless of where it comes from.


The PES 1.3 documentation is being written at the moment and will be uploaded when it is in a fit state.

  • When using the N64 emulator (mupen64plus) please make sure you use the same control pad (joystick) type (e.g. all PS3 control pads or all XBOX 360 etc.). If you use a mix of control pad types then you will experience incorrect button mapping. This is something I hope to address in the future, but it requires moving away from using PyGame which is SDL 1.2 based to an alternative GUI library which supports SDL 2.
  • It was hoped that I could add Colecovision support (via FBA). Unfortunately, in testing I soon found each game for this console had its own button mapping set-up.So far no working solution has been found by the FBA libretro authors. If you want to try out the emulator though, just uncomment the Colecovision parameters in consoles.ini (\\pes\config\pes\consoles.ini) and restart PES.
  • N64 performance is much better on the Raspberry Pi 2. If you are using a Raspberry Pi then you will find that there is noticeable stuttering and lag on most games.
As always, if you find any bugs etc. or have any suggestions for new features please let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

I hope you enjoy PES 1.3.

Cheers and thanks again,

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Re: PES 1.3 BETA now available

Post by Neil »

Since releasing the BETA images I have modified the "Update Database" screen so that you can select which consoles are scanned. To update your BETA image please run the following commands at the command line on your Raspberry Pi after exiting the PES GUI.

Code: Select all

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S git
cd ~/pes
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Re: PES 1.3 BETA now available

Post by Neil »

A bug fix for the database update screen has just been released whereby PES would crash on certain joystick presses.

If you run:

Code: Select all

(as above) you will get the patch.

Thanks to Eric for finding and reporting the bug.


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Re: PES 1.3 BETA now available

Post by Neil »

Hi all,

The documentation for PES 1.3 (which is a work in progress) can be found at:

Note: This URL will be invalid once PES 1.3 is released.

Hope you like the new theme,

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Re: PES 1.3 BETA now available

Post by Neil »

As PES 1.3 has now been released, I am locking this thread.

Thanks to those that provided feedback.