LHC@Home stats are not updating

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LHC@Home stats are not updating

Post by RDaneel »

A quick heads-up:
LHC@Home project had server problems on or about 18/08/2019.
Your stats counter has not updated since that date.
Other stats counters are updating.

Cheers :)
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Re: LHC@Home stats are not updating

Post by Neil »


Thanks for the update.

It would seem that for some reason the LHC user XML dump has at least one duplicate user entry. This was causing my update script to fail as a result.

I've modified the script to handle this situation and now the LHC stats are updating again.


Quantum Mechanic
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Re: LHC@Home stats are not updating

Post by Quantum Mechanic »

Is https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/ here somewhere"

I wanted to add that and have seen another member I work with that has that on his.

(well his is with the Boinc Stats.com)

Mine still has the previous name of that project that was CMS-dev

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Re: LHC@Home stats are not updating

Post by Neil »


I don't currently download stats from https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev.

As far as I can tell they do not appear to export any stats files? E.g. https://lhcathomedev.cern.ch/lhcathome-dev/stats/ does not exist.


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